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We are proud to introduce the bestselling: US Citizenship Bootcamp!

Revised 2025 Edition Available Now! 

When citizens-to-be prepare for their Citizenship Interview, they usually focus on memorizing the 100 civics and history questions. However, when they go to the interview, they are often surprised that the USCIS examiner asks 20 to 70 questions from the N-400 Application for Naturalization, and only 6 to 10 civics questions. Sometimes the USCIS officer checks the applicant’s understanding of English by asking for definitions of the terms that appear on the N-400. Furthermore, the applicant is asked to read one sentence, and write a sentence dictated by the USCIS examiner.

US Citizenship Bootcamp helps citizens-to-be prepare for the Naturalization interview by completing a series of 10 interviews based on the current USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization and 100 Civics questions. The first interview pairs 5 basic questions in simple English from the N-400, with 5 USCIS Civics questions. The subsequent interviews expand on these N-400 and Civics questions by gradually introducing new vocabulary and grammar patterns.

In addition to the 10 Citizenship interviews, US Citizenship Bootcamp includes a list of 50 sentences based on the USCIS Reading and Writing Vocabulary, 10 multiple-choice civics quizzes, and 2 N-400 vocabulary glossaries, PLUS an ESL/Citizenship resource list and a special chapter entitled “How to Study for Your Citizenship Interview.”

This workbook will help you…

  • Complete the series of 10 interviews (based on the current USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization) and 100 Civics Questions.
  • Prepare to answer the definitions of terms from the N-400 application and civics questions the examiner might ask.
  • Prepare to read and write sentences that are dictated by the USCIS examiner.
  • Learn new vocabulary, grammar, and Civics questions.

In addition…

  • You can review 10 multiple-choice Civics quizzes
  • 2 N-400 vocabulary glossaries
  • An ESL/Citizenship resource list, and a study guide.

This book meets CCAE standard test requirements.

207 pages. A workbook that is 8.5 X 11   ISBN: 978-0998696508

About the Author:  Jennifer Gagliardi

Jennifer Gagliardi has been teaching ESL/Citizenship at Milpitas Adult School since 2002. In 2007, she launched US Citizenship Podcast which distributes citizenship resources and reports on the Citizenship and immigration news. In early 2016, she released the US Citizenship Podcast app on iPhone/iPad and Android. Jennifer is always looking for new ways to help students learn English and Civics so that we can live the American Dream together!

Get the US Citizenship Podcast App for iOS by clicking here.  

Get the US Citizenship Podcast Android App by clicking here. 

Click on each book cover image below to see sample content pages.

She Built Ships Storybook

She Built Ships Workbook

She Built Ships Novel

The Best Grammar Workbook Ever!

The Best Little Grammar Book Ever!



Three Welders

Three Welders


Tales of California

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